Thursday, April 15, 2010

What if a mad scientist took over the classroom?

If a mad scientist took over the classroom...
Then he would make us do more science. It would be horrible. He would make us figure out how to make Bose Einstein Condensates, which is hard. We never did figure it out, but he tried everything! He even lets us put a few ice cubes in the refrigerator. Then he made us figure out everything we haven't even started to learn yet. All I heard was, blah, blah, blah, and blah, and blah. I wish Mrs. Pearson was back. She isn't here because she was sick today. I never thought I would say this but I think thew teacher is to smart for us. He was to busy giving us a lecture on how much he's doing to figure out BEC we couldn't go to gym. Today we were supposed to be playing floor hockey. My favorite thing to do in gym. So yes this is getting a little to far. On the playground (thank goodness he let us out for recess!) the whole class made a plan to get rid of him. We all looked in the window at him, his hair was on fire, then we herd a explosion. I'm guessing that his experiment didn't work. When we went inside all of us took him threw him out the door and locked everything. All of us had to sneak out the window to get to the bus on time, but it was worth it.

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