Friday, April 23, 2010

Character: Paul Revere, Setting: Boston....You write the story.

I was riding on my horse through Boston when I saw Paul Revere. We both stopped and he said, ''A hobo and a hobo horse"
''OK" I replied. Paul and his horse both started to spaz out. I continued on, and then I saw Paul again. Now he said, "It's you"and then he started to chase me. We went through the harbor and right into the live animal museam. He chased us right over the pirona tank. His horse tripped and fell in the tank.I was the protector of Boston. He still chased me over the tank. He fell in again but they left the bones in the tank the last time. Now he haunts the museam and any one who enters it.


Thursday, April 22, 2010


Homework: April Book Project

Please try to remember field trip permission slips.

Secret Code: Oobleck is a colloid.

Have a fun afternoon. Get out there and ZUMBA!

What would you do if an uninvited dwarf came to your door?

If an uninvited gest came to my door it wouldnt be cool. I would say what do you want and slam the door on his face. So he would knock on the door again and I said, "Oh look it is that homless hipie again." So then I said, "Do you really want to come in, or do you want to steel stuff?"
" Both," the hipy said.
Then I smacked him across the face and said," Get a life," and threw him out the door. So then I went to bed and I heard a knock. So I clapped my hand and somthing you do not want to know fell on him. Thats my story.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


State #10
It has the lowest population of all 50 United States
There is a geyser that’s name is Old Faithful
The state gem is a Jade

One of the bordering states is Oregon
It is the 13th largest state
The state vegetable is a potato

State #12
This state has the largest migratory elk herd in the nation.
In this state the elk, deer and antelope populations outnumber the humans.
The states official animal is a grizzly bear

The state bird is a Chinese ring neck pheasant
The state mineral is a rose quartz
One of the bordering states is Minnesota


Homework: Finish April Book Project. Due Friday.

Field Trip to the Flynn May 5th to see The Hobbit. Please get permission slips back to me as soon as possible. Thanks!

Secret code: Seabiscuit was the greatest race horse of all time.


Should Summer Vacation be Longer?

I think summer vacation should be longer because it gives us kids time to spend time with our family. Reason two, we have to spend some time out of school so we can rest our brains . Reason three, we can get a good job over the summer so we can get money for college. Reason four, maybe kids want to chill out over the summer. Reason five, us kids want to have a sleepover during the week. Reason six, we want to play all week and do a lot more. Reason seven, we need more time to ourselves and maybe we read during the summer.Reason eight, teachers need summer because they need to take classes. My opinion is you get really sweaty in school during the summer there is no air conditioning!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My dream school.....

In my dream school it would have a 25 foot long and 5 feet deep hot tub. It had a 50 foot long video game room. There would be five hours of recess. There are a few classes like gym, math and video games. It would have a 50 foot pool. Well one day Stephen came in the room and told me I was elected class presedent. I put a hot tub in the class and a 64 inch plasma tv. I put ten new computers in. I made the smart board two feet bigger. and the class had recess during that. Then I saw Stephen on the computers during gym!!! I gave him homework. Then I saw Cole looking at me as if I tolled him I would give him a years supply of food, so I did. He stopped looking at me. That is my dream school.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Online Dictionary

We will be using this for our Paul Revere poem.

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

Homework: Finish up the April book project reading and the paragraphs. Try to do at least one paragraph each night.

This week in reading we are studying the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem called The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Here is a link to a copy of the poem.

We are also learning about persuasive writing. Visit this site if you want to see or review what was done in class.

Brynn, last Friday we did 89,91, and 92 in the number corner book. Today we did session 17 in math.

How was your weekend?

My weekend was really good. On Saturday my mom went shopping with my nana. So Reeghyn and I stayed with my dad. We played Just Dance on the Wii. When they got back my mom put the groceries away, and she, my nana and I went to Plato's Closet. On our way there we saw My cousin Hannah and my uncle Jay at Seb's. We stopped there and picked up Hannah, we both got ice cream. At Plato's Closet I got one tanktop. When we got back Hannah and I helped my nana babysit aiden and his two brothers. One is a baby. Their names are Nathan and Owen. Nathan is the baby. On sunday my nana, Hannah, Reeghyn, Aiden, my mom, and I went to McDonalds for lunch. When we got back Hannah and I played American Girl Dolls. We brought Aiden home. My dad, my mom, Reeghyn, Hannah and I watched The Blind Side. It was a great movie.


P.S. I'm wearing my new tanktop today.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Great job with the other guesses—you were right!
If you want to email me—use so I can talk with you. –Brynn

Day 4&5

State #4
It was founded on June 1st 1792.
It was the 15th state in the union.
Mammoth cave is the biggest cave in the world

They are known for their country music
It became the 16th state on June 1, 1796
Mountain dew was invented here also miniature golf

This is Abraham Lincoln’s resting place
The world's first Skyscraper was built there in, 1885. This state name comes from a Native American word meaning "tribe of superior men."

State #7
It is the 21st biggest state
It was the 24th state
This state is known as the “Show me State”

The capital is the last name of the 16th president
The world’s smallest police station is in this state
The nation’s first Native American woman doctor lived here

It was founded on August 1st 1876
The world's largest flat-top mountain is in this state
This state is the only state in history to turn down the Olympics

Friday, April 16, 2010

We had an author - illustrator, Katherine Zecca, come visit us today.

What if you became a superhero and had to save the world?

If I was a superhero and I had to save the world I would be Ryman. My arch enemy is Colezilla, he can eat anything. Colezilla was using his Gigantifiar to make everything huge. He did that so he had more stuff to eat. Today he was in New York City. He was trying to find the biggest cake so he could make it even bigger. But Ryman was way ahead of him, Ryman was already in the city. After he got people far away, using his super strength to help. Now all Ryman had to do was wait. When Ryman started to feel the ground shake he got ready to fight. He started off trying to weekin Colezilla by blasting him with his eye lasers. It got Colezilla on the ground but he wasn't dead. Ryman started to use his super strength to pickup a huge building and he threw it on him. Now Colezilla was hurt pretty bad until he healed himself byeating the door off of a car. He shot flames out of his mouth and burned the building in a couple of seconds. When he got up Ryman shot him with his atomic laser and he flew far far away. After Colezilla was gone Ryman blew up the gigantifiar.

P.S. Colezilla was a dragon.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

What if a mad scientist took over the classroom?

If a mad scientist took over the classroom...
Then he would make us do more science. It would be horrible. He would make us figure out how to make Bose Einstein Condensates, which is hard. We never did figure it out, but he tried everything! He even lets us put a few ice cubes in the refrigerator. Then he made us figure out everything we haven't even started to learn yet. All I heard was, blah, blah, blah, and blah, and blah. I wish Mrs. Pearson was back. She isn't here because she was sick today. I never thought I would say this but I think thew teacher is to smart for us. He was to busy giving us a lecture on how much he's doing to figure out BEC we couldn't go to gym. Today we were supposed to be playing floor hockey. My favorite thing to do in gym. So yes this is getting a little to far. On the playground (thank goodness he let us out for recess!) the whole class made a plan to get rid of him. We all looked in the window at him, his hair was on fire, then we herd a explosion. I'm guessing that his experiment didn't work. When we went inside all of us took him threw him out the door and locked everything. All of us had to sneak out the window to get to the bus on time, but it was worth it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Guess the states I travelled through on Wednesday, April 14th

State #1:
Hershey is considered the Chocolate Capital of the United States.
The state capital is Harrisburg
William Penn founded this state

State #2:
The state capital is Annapolis
In 1608 Captain John Smith explored Chesapeake Bay
It became 1 of the 13 American colonies in 1633

State #3:
The state animal is a Black bear
The state capital is Charleston
It was one of the two states formed in the American Civil war

Post again tomorrow -- Brynn


Today we learned about the properties of the different states of matter. Check out chem 4 kids for what we learned today. Visit the pages on solids, then liquids, then gases.

Brynn, we started session 15 and will finish tomorrow.

Homework: Partial products, area model or algorythm to solve the math problems. Try the challenge....

For those of you really interested in the bose einstein condensates, check out this site.

Write sentences using some of the 4th Grade Class Idioms...

The day my mom said etc. I did not know what she meant. Then she told me and she meant when it keeps going on and on.That day she kept going on and on, but when I got sick of it she stopped.Then when I started it she got sick of it . So now she knew how I felt when she kept going on and on . So we both stopped.What would you do if your mom kept going on and on?But anyway I got sick of it and the last day she kept going on and on I yelled at her.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Homework: Finish the 4 Grade Saying October pages. Don't forget to read for your project and write each spelling word twice.

Today we looked at 3D objects from different points of view. Here is a great game to practice!

We are also learning about mixtures and solutions. Check out Chem 4 Kids for a review!

If I were stranded alone on an island

If I were stranded alone on an island then I would run into the ocean and attempt to drown myself. But then I saw a big cruise ship with a music competition and I saw my saxophone on the island. I would run to my instrument and run to get onto the dock so the ship could pick me up. When I got on the ship I saw a big sign that read "The Greatest Music Competition in the World!'' Then below it there was a sign that read , ''The Winner of This Competition Will Get to be a Bat-Boy for whatever Baseball Team you want.'' So after that week I practiced playing the saxophone on my back while I have a very sharp knife balancing on my nose. The judges thought that I did the best so I won. I picked to be a Bat-Boy for the Boston Red Sox. I got 100,000 dollars for winning the competition, and I got paid 5,000 dollars a month for being the Bat-Boy.


Monday, April 12, 2010


Homework: Spelling

Secret Code: An element is a substance made of only one type of atom.

Websites for Element Trading Cards

Click on the table to investigate a few of the elements.

The day I went bungee jumping...

The day I went bungee jumping was when I went to the Champlan Valley Fair, and I did a few back flips and two front flips then I just bounced for a while. Then I had to get off but it was fun while it lasted. But when we got home I went to bed then I had dreamed that I was still bungee jumping and I did two back flips in a row then I did three front flips in a row. But then I froze in mid air then Indians were shooting arrows at me then I woke up. Then I said, "Thank God it was a dream."


Friday, April 9, 2010

Free Choice:

Who do you think would win Edward or Jacob? I think Edward would win cause in eclipse, Jacob gets thrown like fourty feet in the air because Edward throws him. really I think their both as strong as each other.but Jacob cant fight or turn into wolf mode enless it is on his turf. If it isnt his turf and he turns into a wolf he will be killed by the pack leader. He even said so in new moon he said "Bella we have to go, I cant protect you here" and he told her about wat he was.The movie, new moon, was a good movie.I heard in eclipse Edward turns Bella into a vampire.I think eclipse will be a good movie.


Thursday, April 8, 2010


Homework: Pages 13 and 14 of the Revolution Packet

Wow, it was an intense afternoon. Today we simulated the Stamp Act using m and ms for money. Tempers flared, letters were written and read and the seeds of a classroom revolution were sown! Wow. Check out the video for a sample of some of the perspectives!

Secret Code: No taxation without representation!

And check out this website if you get a chance....fascinating!!

What has been the most fun activity at school so far?

My favorite thing that I did this year so far was probably when we did floor hockey and soccer .I also liked when we went on the field trip to the Flynn to see Jackie Robinson . Can you imagine living your life the way he did ? I also liked when we had ELF, and there were deer and they had to get the food but, then there was a wolf that would tag them .I also thought it was fun in Words Come Alive when we did the slave ship it must have been hard staying in the ship four to six weeks .


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Homework: Use these terms to tell what you learned about England, the Colonies and Taxes.

King George III
Stamp Act

Tax Collector

Today we learned about the English government and how they would have taxed the American Colonies. We had a King George III, Parliament, Tax Collector and a Treasurer.

We also learned some new math games.

Secret Code: Noah is King George III.

My pet thinks he is president.

If my pet Jerry was president, he would spaz out about the health care debate. He would have no idea what he is doing. When the real president Obama found out it he was not happy. Jerry got put in cat jail for impersonating the president. After Jerry was put in jail and Obama was president, no one ever spazed out again, except my brother. He usually spazez out a lot.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Homework: Read the news story about the all black penguin and answer the questions.

Read your choice book and record the pages.

We took a writing quiz today. Some kids still need practice with finding spelling capitals and punctuation errors. Remember to pay attention during editing every morning! Can you find the error in this paragraph?

Talk about atoms, elements, and the periodic table. We also began to learn a little about King George the III and George Washington today. Remember that we all began as loyal subjects to the King of England. Do you wonder what happend to change that?

Secret Code: All living things have carbon.

If you were an insect, what kind would you be and why?

If I were an insect I would be a butterfly because they are really pretty. Then I would hatch out of a cocoon. I also would want to be a dragonfly because they have cool colors. I would want to be both of them because they both can fly. That would be awesome. Then I could go were ever I wanted , when ever I wanted. I would probably go to the Natik mall in Boston, Massachusetts . Then if I were an insect I would have to eat other bugs. That part I would not want to do.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Free choice

For Easter I got earrings , socks and candy. I got three Easter baskets after we opened the baskets we went on a Easter egg hunt I found the gold egg it had 16 dollars in it. Sunday I got up opened my basket and went outside, we called Dillon and he came over we played tag later Leandra
came over we went to a pond and we grabbed a tube.We were floating in the pond .It was fun .

p.s I had Easter on Saturday at my Nana's house.
p.s.s.I got new jeans!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Homework: Home Connections Number 29, Activity and Worksheet.

Math and Muffins tomorrow morning with maple glazed donuts by "My Kids' Kitchen"!

Today we learned about congruency. Use this site to refresh your memory or practice conguency skills.

Secret Code: Congruent shapes are cool.

The day I babysat a monkey...

The day I babysat a monkey was horrible. The monkey wasn't potty trained so I had to train him. We played destroy the house. I didn't think it was a good idea, but I thought it sounded fun. Finally the monkey's mom and dad got home we were playing chess when they got home. When the monkey's dad saw the house broken down he freaked out. So I ran back to my house as fast as I could.

The End