Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Last Day's News!

I just wanted to share with families the magical moments we had here at school today. In our pajamas, snow outside and watching the Polar Express with Mrs. Myer's first grade. There were moments that were so sweet I had tears in my eyes as I watched the children eat candy canes and share the magic of the movie.

Later, we went out and had a rousing game of snow soccer and guess what? Not a single argument. There is surely magic in the solstice!

Have a safe and wonderful new year and best wishes and hopes for the next decade!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pajamas and the Polar Express

Tomorrow children are invited to wear their pajamas to school, as we will be watching the classic holiday tale, Chris Van Allsburg’s Polar Express.

Before the movie, children will exchange their Secret Santa Gifts.
So, wear your pajamas and come to school ready to celebrate the Winter Solstice and Holiday Season!


If you could have lunch with a famous person who would it be? What would you talk about with this person?

If I could have lunch with anyone I would have it with Miley Cyrus because I like her . She is also very nice. Also because she has really good music. We would talk about Christmas and what we might want for Christmas.We also might talk about what we do on Christmas day. That is who I would eat lunch with . Who would you eat lunch with?


Monday, December 21, 2009

Some December Book Projects


Homework: Home Connections page 41 only.

Free Choice!

One day in snowville it was Christmas Eve. Santa was about to leave when he got hit with a floating gift list from J.L. Santa said, "What is this? Oh NO!"
One of the elves said, "What's the matter?"
"We forgot J.L.'s presents." The elves were running in panic. Until Santa said "Stop"! Then Santa said, "We are canceling Christmas". The elves started to talk to each other again. "But," Santa said, "I'm not finshed my sentence. I was going to say that we are going to cancel Christmas until we make J.L.'s present's." What are you writing for free choice?


Friday, December 18, 2009

Reading Letters

This week kids read silently each morning and today they wrote about what they were thinking as they read. Here are some examples...


My Journey on the Mayflower

My Journey on the Mayflower...
Hi I'm Missy Hopkins,And this is my journal.I am going to Cape Cod on the mayflower with my five people family and 97 other people.Soon we will have too make it 96 other because my mom,Elizebeth Hopkins,is having a baby!I could only bring one toy.So I took my ragdoll and snook my journal.It took us 66 days to get there.Well that was my journey on the mayflower.

Your best pioneer,
Gabby {Missy}


First of all I want to say how cool it was to get a powerpoint presentation emailed to me from a fourth grader! I remember emailing papers and projects in grad school, but not elementary school! How cool are they! is a picture of my sugar free hazelnut coffee syrup. Kids thought I was pouring wine in my coffee the other day so I thought I would nip that rumour in the bud! :)

Remember: Projects are being presented on Monday after lunch if parents want to stop in and see!



Thursday, December 17, 2009


Homework: Math worksheets on area and perimeter and word problems.

If you could cook any meal for your family, what would you cook? Describe the meal and tell how you would make it.

If I could cook any meal I would cook turkey and a Christmas dinner. There would be 20 peolpe there for me not the dinner they would be there because i cook so great food.I would also cook my famous food of all, cereal they will love it, or else! I would also cook ratatouille and this dinner will be on a sunday. after we finish the dinner we will watch foot ball all day.Then the ladys would go in my mom's bedroom to watch girl T.V. like One Tree Hill. What would u cook for peolpe and family?
By the best cook in the world,
Seth 8.11 am 12/17/09

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Homework: Read the article on the Mayflower and write five facts you learned.

The kids have been in the lab all week working on their literature responses and they are going really well. If you have some time, stop by the classroom on Monday afternoon and we will be seeing book projects and you can read some of the literature responses.

There will be a holiday party on the morning of the 23rd. Please bring in Secret Santa gifts at that time.

Also, please DO NOT feel obligated to get your child's teachers holiday gifts. If you want you may donate $ towards the new playground equipment.

What if monkeys could be servants?

If monkeys could be servants they would go crazy. They would eat all of the food and throw it everywhere.They would eat ice cream and candy all day after that they would get all hyper.They would go around knocking down tables and chairs.Then people would go flying everywhere and knocking other people down. Then the monkeys would go around jumping on everyone while the people try to get up. What is your story about monkeys being servants?


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A time I was really happy!

I had a birthday a couple years ago. The only reason I was happy is because I got a bb gun. My dad helped me load my gun and I blew up a can! Then my dad pulled out a bow with some arrows. My dad pulled out his muzzel loader and blew up three cans in a straight line.


P.S. I got my bow and B.B. gun on the same day. My dad used up all of my pellets on that day too. What did you write about?

Monday, December 14, 2009



Boys in the "Lunch Bunch"

This was what the boys wanted to do today in their lunch bunch group....


Homework: Some of the children need to finish working on their number corner book pages 28,29,33,and 36. Many have finished. Also some kids need to finish their spelling packets.

Holiday Concert is tonight. Please be here at 5:30. It promises to be a good time. Also, if you are looking for a good dinner alternative there is a soup supper here at 4:30 before the concert. Proceeds benefit the playground fund.

Shout out to the kids today for doing some great work on their literature responses. Stephanie's was particularly well done and as she was finished early, hers was used to help the others understand what to do. Great job Steph!

Write about the book you are reading.

I'm reading the book Bakugan. The main character is Dan.His friends are Maroocho, Shun, Julie, Allice and Runo.He likes to battle other trainers.He has a bakugan named Drago.Dan relys on Drago,and Drago relys on Dan.In battles Dan uses Drago a lot.Dan gets a new bakugan named Juggernoid.Masquerade wants Juggernoid so Dan and Masquerade battle.Dan was down to his last bakugan, Drago.He ended up winning.Dan and Juggernoid did not get along too well but Dan thought he was a good bakugan.


Friday, December 11, 2009

A true story that has happened to you....

This is something that has happened to me, when I was three my dad was working on the roof so I decided that I wanted to climb the ladder. So when my mom saw me she said '' Scott your son is on the roof ''. But what I was saying was '' Stuck, stuck stuck ''. When I was at the at the top. What my dad said was '' Hi buddy, what are you doing ?'' That is what has happened to me.

P.S. it is true.

Cole Lee Crady


Homework: Don't forget to finish reading your book for your literature response work on Monday. Make sure you have AT LEAST TWO character traits with proof.

We are studying Pilgrim immigration now. Ask your student what two ships the Pilgrims PLANNED to sail to the new world. Also ask them about King James.....

Shout out to the whole 4th grade for some awesome problem solutions to the JC's basketball problem. I was blown away by their thinking. We shared most of them on the document camera with the class and posted Stephen E's concise and elegant solution on the blog!

Hey parents...Heads Up! Secret Santa is coming down the pike. Kids will pick their Secret Santa today. We will set a 5 dollar limit. We will have a one time gift give away at our holiday party on the 23rd.

We will be sharing book projects on Monday the 21st in the afternoon (12:30-2:00ish). Parents are welcome to come see what kids did! They look like they are going to be great!

Thursday, December 10, 2009




If I was a Pilgrim it would be awesome. Because then I would be able to go to Holland then travel back to Englind.Iwould like to go there because I could go on the Mayflower that the Pilgrims built. I would also be able to travel on the Speedwell and Icould also work with the Pilgrims. Thats what I know about the Pilgrims what do you know?


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


JC's Basketball Games

Check out this problem and an elegant solution!
Hint: Start at the bottom and work your way up!

What if an elf went to a school dance?

If an elf was at a school dance it would dance with Nikol. Nikol would faint on S.C. .S.C. would smack the Foo Fighters on the knees. Then the Foo Fighters would nail Stephen in the head! Stephen would knock over the food! Popcorn was everywhere. Then it is all over, and Nikol and the elf are still dancing for $20! The end!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Homework: Read and fill out character trait web. Make sure you choose three character traits and give three pieces of evidence (proof) for each trait. This is the sheet that came with your December Book Project packet. Finish Silent One constructed response.


Last year when the daycare kids and I went sledding, the snow was so deep that we couldn't move to go down the hill.Also last year when me and Hannah went outside there was a mountain of snow. We slid down it, and after we slid down we were in the driveway. This morning when I got in the car I could see my breath. One year my mom and me built a tunnel out of snow. The daycare kids and Reeghyn went through it. What do you like to do in the snow?


Monday, December 7, 2009




Homework: Put finishing touches on the problem solving piece from today, spelling and read for book project.

Today we talked about the reasons the Pilgrims had for leaving England. Ask you student about King James I, Puritans, Separatists, and Holland. What two ships did the Pilgrims plan on sailing to the New World?

Remember....2 hour delay tomorrow for teacher training.

What did you do this weekend?

This weekend I got a hair cut, I went out to lunch, then I went shopping, and that's what I did on Saturday. On Sunday I went to my cousin's house while my dad went hunting. He saw a deer but the deer saw him before he saw it. I helped my aunt and uncle put up Christmas decorations. I put up a snowman. It was so cold we had to take five minute breaks. After we were done I went in and played my DSI. I played Mario against my cousin, and I won. What did you do this weekend?


Friday, December 4, 2009

Tall Tale with exaggeration and simile

There once was a baby that was born, she was a speical baby. She had a good sense of smell, hears well, and sees in black and white like a dog. when she grew up to be tall, and when I say tall I mean really tall. She can't fit through doors she allmost steps on people! At least she says sorry. When she grew up she could touch the sky because she was so tall. She is still having growsperts! She is also so smart she knows everything in the world. You wanna know how she is so tall? Well then I'll just tell you anyways. She has a neck like a giraffe So she would have a lot more bones than a normal person does. Hm...
Maybe that's why people think she's so speical even though she freaks people out when she almost steps on everybody! But they might have forgiven her, it matters how much damage she did to the person. Everyone in her neighborhood has a nickname for her it's Gigantaca.



Thursday, December 3, 2009



Homework: Home Connection number 13, and read for your book project.

Math and Muffins is tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Homework: Math worksheet, work on book reading, finish number corner pages 31, 32. Some kids have finshed their number corner books and worksheet.

Shout out to Seth and Dresden who worked really well together in math class today. Also shout our to Stephen E. for sharing some GREAT math thinking today. Thanks also to Justin L. who helped tutor another student.

Math and muffins is on this Friday. Come see what we are collecting this month!

Also happy birthday to Brynn and thanks for the brownie - candy cane balls and thanks to Heather for bringing in chips for all!

Use five vocabulary words in sentences or a story...

I used to collect Match Box and Hot Wheels cars. I snared an animal before. At the Apple Fest my mom disperses my old baby clothes. She sometimes gives us some of the money. I am a methodical person. My sisters are haphazard.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December Book Project

December Book Project

This month, instead of a reading calendar, you will choose a book to read for a month long book project.

There are several steps to this project.

1. Choose a chapter book AT YOUR READING LEVEL that you can comfortably read after school and finish in two weeks.

2. The book for this project should be fiction. It can be any genre within fiction, historic, realistic, humor, science fiction, mystery etc…

3. You will be focusing on character traits. Think of Horton Hears a Who and the related painted essay called Horton Gives a Hoot. In this book Horton was brave. What words can you use to describe YOUR main character?

4. Keep track of the character’s traits on the attached character trait sheet. Make sure you give examples of how you know the character is like this FROM YOUR BOOK.

5. In class, we will be working on a literature response. You will need to have finished your book and your character trait page by MONDAY, DECEMBER 14. That will give you two weeks to finish your book.

6. Finally, you will be working on a BOOK PROJECT that shows what you know from reading your book. There are many, many projects you can choose. You could do a poster, shoe box diorama, PowerPoint presentation, song, poem or rap. You could make a book cube and write about the book on each side. You could even write a play based on the book and present it to the class. Or, how about a puppet show! There are many different ideas and you can even make up your own. If you read a story set in Egypt, you could do some research on Egypt and tell how the setting was important in your book. Be creative. You will be presenting the project to the class on DECEMBER 21st!

Dates to remember:

December 14 – Book all read and character trait page done. We start working on the literature response in class.

December 21 – Book projects due and presentations begin!

So, choose a great book and get started. You may also borrow a book from my library, the school library, or head to the town library. You do not need to buy a book for this project.

Some helpful websites:

The funniest thing I ever saw was.....

The funniest thing I saw before was on A.F.V= America's Funniest Home Videos. On a movie that I watched a dead health inspector said, ''I was a bad suicide bomber. I set the bomb for 30 minutes but it went off in four seconds.''


Monday, November 30, 2009


Homework: Start December book project.

Math and Muffins again this Friday! 7:45-8:45. Hope to see some parents ready to learn some math!

Thanksgiving vacation.....

On Wednesday I went to my mom's daycare. Then on Thanksgiving me my mom and dad went to see the movie The Blind Side . During the movie I lost my tooth . It was a good movie . I went to my grandma's house and saw my cousin . On Saturday I had a hockey game against St.Albans they beat us 6-3 . Sunday I had a hockey game in Chazy they beat us 4-1. On Sunday I went to Heather's house . We did alot of scrapbooking. What did you do on Thanksgiving vacation?


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Six word stories....

Six word stories...

Six word stories....

Splash. Where did my friend go?
Party in my house! Crack... run!
Summer day ice cream melt , ''yuk!''
Today we have school, run! Hide!


Monday, November 23, 2009


Homework: Home connections #12 worksheet only. You do not have to do the activity page, just the worksheet. If you need a centimeter ruler, there is one on the previous page to cut out and use.

Powers of 10!

Today the kids did some AMAZING work learning about the powers of 10. We built the numbers 1, 10,100, 1000, and 10, 000 and saw how the dimensions increased each time. Ask about it tonight at home. They are little geniuses!

What is your favorite movie or TV show and why?

My favorite movie is either the Super Hero movie or the Simpsons movie. I like the Super Hero movie because it is funny. I like the Simpsons movie because it is my favorite show. My favorite horror movie is The Gate because it's not scary it's funny. What is your favorite show in the world?


Friday, November 20, 2009

What are you grateful for?

I am thankful for my parents.I am thankful for clothes .I am really thankful for food and water because with out food or water we could not survive.I am thankful for my pet Gus.I am thankful for teachers to help us learn.That is what I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?


Thursday, November 19, 2009


Homework: Spelling and some kids may have to finish their number corner books - pages 25,26,27.

Shout out to AMY who has been coming in and working with kids on multiplication facts! 14 out of 20 kids now have their 2s and 3s down pat. I am sending home flashcard sets for the others to practice for homework. Thanks for the help!

Shout out as well to Nikol for practicing her facts on her own in order to pass her 2s! Nice work Nikol! Another shout out to Brynn, Cody, Seth, Bailey and Justin L. They were the most prepared literature circle I have had all year. Well prepared and well run. It is fun reading MOGO with you all.

For Monday, please send in a flower or a fruit that your child may investigate. We are studying life cycle of plants and it would be great to tear in to some fruits and flowers and see what we have been reading about.
Oh! And here is a link to one of the web games we played when we were learning about plants. By student request the address is:

Math games!

What if a ______________ came to school for Thanksgiving dinner?

If a snake came to a Thanksgiving dinner the snake would eat all his dinner. Then he would go outside to smoke a cigarette so, he could rebuild his energy. Then he ate one person after another,there was now blood everywhere. After he ate everyone the snake smeared all the blood on him. He laughed an evil laugh Bwahahahahah!What did you write about something that went to Thanksgiving dinner?

Justin L. 11/19/09

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ELF with Bill and Char

Learning about characteristics and classification with Bill and Char in ELF today. Forest Habitats!




Homework: Math multiplication practice and grammar worksheet.

Shout out to Justin who used the blog to help him with his homework. Great use of technology.

We have ELF today. Thanks to Bill and Char for teaching us about forest habitats!

Free Choice!

Today after school I have dance class. I was suppose to go to Stephanie’s but she is sick. Nikol’s grandma has to bring me to school. Nikol’s grandma {Linda} is my neighbor. Today when I go home my grandma has to bring me home. My dad thinks my grandma just comes to make us dinner although we have enough. I can’t wait to get home and hold my baby brother. I have to wear a mask around my baby brother. My baby brother kept me up all night last night. But I still slept for a little bit. I think my baby brother is really cute. I like having a new baby brother in the house. My sister wanted a baby sister but she got a baby brother.

Gabby 11/18/09

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Problem Solving Pictures

Stephanie solved this TWO ways, once using a table and once using a diagram. Well done! Notice her connections and documentation.


Homework: Problem Solving "Another Farmer's Field!" Some of you may need to finish plant reproduction as well.

Sorry about missing posting yesterday. I am placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of the internet connection we have. (Bad, bad, bad)

Shout out to Stephanie who shared some absolutely gorgeous problem solving with the class today. I will try to post a picture of it here in case any parents want to see just what it is we crazy teachers are looking for!

And.....just so you know, your kids are working with numbers in base 4. Pretty impressive, huh? We are also learning about Life Cycles. Pretty good brains here!

Life Cycles!

What I know about life cycles. I know that R-selected is when animals lay a lot of eggs then hope that some live. I also know that K-selected is when animals lay one egg and protect it. Life cycles goes like this, Born,Growth,Reproduce,the next one for the parents is...DEATH! Then it keeps starting over again. Then the parent who had the kids then the kids will have kids then they die,then those kids will have kids then die. Thats the way life cycles work. What did you write about?

Seth 11/17/09

Number Corner Fact Practice!



Monday, November 16, 2009


What have you learned lately?

What I learned last week was the Black Eyed Peas are the best band and the Foo Fighters stink. I learned about area and perimeter. I learned chairs, tables, six sence and problem solving.I learned skip counting and how to blog on the computer and how to do multiply by double double double.And I learned about space. What did you learn last week?

Words Come Alive!

Friday, November 13, 2009

What music do you like and why?

My favorite music is Black Eyed Peas Boom Boom Pow. The only reason I like Black Eyed Peas is because he has a lot of good music. I like the songs by Kid Rock. What are some of your favorite songs and why?


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Write a story set in an ocean habitat.

Once there was a ''fish''.He was very fast and lived deep in the ocean.He had no friends to play with.He was all alone down in the deep depths of the ocean.His mom and dad abandoned him when he was little.One day his parents came to visit him.They yelled out,''Hunny,hunny it's us your parents,come out.''He came out,''He's a Great White Shark'' .yelled his fish father.''Lets go!''
. ''NO!''
''Well I am''.He left. The Mom and shark lived happily ever after.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009



Homework: Home Connection #10. Area and Perimeter.

Today we continued to learn about area and perimeter. We also went to the computer lab to work on writing a painted essay on Horton Hears a Who. Ask your student what a painted essay is and see if they have been paying attention! :)

Shout out to Nathan today. I saw him being a good friend. Also shout out to Gabby who was able to finish her painted essay in two sessions! Grrrreat Work Kids!

What do you like to do, or wish you could do after school?

After school I would like to get a Major League contract for the Boston Red Sox. But that is probably not going to happen. So after school I probably will be playing MLB 2009 Road to the Show. I will probably be playing on a AA or AAA team. I will probably be playing as a 3rd baseman , shortstop , 2nd baseman , or an outfielder. That is what I will probably be doing after school. What will you be doing after school?

Cole Lee Crady

Monday, November 9, 2009

Math Justification




Homework: Spelling and reading.

Shout out to Stephen for REALLY working on editing his journal today. Excellent effort! Also to Gabby and Heather for some insightful work in girl's group.

We are watching excerpts from the Planet Earth series of DVDs on habitats. Last week we watched Forests and today we watched a little of Ocean. Some cool creatures live in the oceans!

Forest Habitat

I know that a Snake lives in a forest. They survive by tracking down prey. I also know that a deer lives in a forest, and they survive by eating grass,apples and water. Thats what I know about forest habitat. What do you know about it?


Friday, November 6, 2009


Thanks for showing up at math and muffins. The kids AND the grownups did some great thinking!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Turkey Trot

If you are in town on Thanksgiving day, you could join me in running the Turkey Trot. It is a great way to burn off some calories before the big dinner. Just no making fun of me as you whiz on by!!!

11 am Thanksgiving day--rain, snow, or the field house on the UVM campus off Spear St. 10$ per family--the whole family--not just the kids...$5 for one person. Also, for the little tykes, there is a 1/4 mile run right before the 5k. Oh yeah--the run is a 5k (3.2 mile) jaunt...


Homework: Spelling and reading calendar

Dance! The 4th graders would like you to know they are invited to the dance at the school on Tuesday night. (Wednesday is inservice...)

Math and Muffins - tomorrow!

Also a shout out to your kids! They did so awesome work on problem soling techniques today - probably the best class work I have ever seen! Awesome job.

Today we talked about birds and beaks and adaptations. We also talked a little about genetics. Really interesting class discussion and they were very engaged in the topic.

Problem Solving!



What if a teacher tried to escape a creature from Mars?

If my teacher tried to escape from a creature from Mars I would scream. ''Yankees aliens are attacking Mrs.Pearson!'' Stephen and S.C. collided. Stephen faints and falls on Gabby. I smack the Yankee and it is slime! I fall,the end.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009




Homework: Show a family member our problem solving piece and explain what we did together today. Can you tell them what a tree diagram is? Do you understand how we solved it the second way?

Shout out to Coleman, Noah, Nate and Stephen for thinking about how we could solve a harder problem! Great thinking gentlemen!

Math and Muffins - Friday

What is your favorite sport or team and why?

I like a lot of sports and a lot of teams.But my favorite sport is baseball,and my favorite team is the Redsox. I like baseball because my favorite team plays baseball. I like the Redsox because they have good players. What is your favorite sport or team?





Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Homework: Home connection number 9 pages 21 and 22.

Shout out to Bailey for connecting our lesson in math on tables and chairs back to area and perimeter!

Today we learned about tables and chairs as models for area and perimeter, and we are reading a Cambodian folktale about the sale of a donkey! We are learning how to write a response to litereature....

What are your favorite books and why?

These are some of my favorite books. I like the Twilight Series one,two,and three because she gives a lot of detail. The words aren't to hard for me. I also like Artemis Fowl book one. I like it because it's funny and the idea of a kid who is supersmart is very creative. I think that the Harry Potter book one is good and I like the detail in this book.I also like Diary of a Wimpy Kid because it's really funny.What kind of books do you like and why?


Monday, November 2, 2009


Bird Beak adaptations!


Homework: Spelling and Home Connections #8

Don't forget~ Math and Muffins is on for this Friday morning at 7:45. Join us for a math class and some delicious muffins.

Thursday, October 29, 2009



Homework: Math addition and subtraction story problems.

Shout out to JL for remembering so much of what he has learned so far is school this year! Seth too! Great job!

Today we are learning strategies for figuring out math facts....some key words are....double doubles, double double doubles, clock facts, clock facts plus one set and decade facts minus one set.

Have a great day!


A letter to my parents about something I have learned...

Dear Mom and Dad,
I am doing good in school.This year I am learning how to say hello in different languages.We also learned how to multiply by 2's and 3's.We also learned that Greg Tang is multipling by 2's,3's,4's, and 5's. What is your story about your school year?


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Homework: Spelling and page 6 of the science packet.

Today we learned about beavers, fur trade and bird beak adaptations. In math we are learning all the steps for problem solving.

Shout out to Stephen for a really creative story about the Siberian Snow Spiders going to Pizza Putt yesterday! Also a shout out to all the students for finding a rule for converting cups to quarts and quarts to cups! Great job!

Free Choice!

This weekend I have my first hockey game.I'm number two . On Friday I'm going to my friend's house to bake cookies and carmel apples. Tonight I have hockey practice. I like playing hockey because I like to travel and to see all my friends. But there are some games that you have to wake up early.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009





Homework - Vocabulary worksheet and math worksheet.

There may be a lockdown practice tomorrow. We have gone over the procedure quickly in class.

Math and muffins is coming up - the first Friday of November! Put it on your calendars!

What if Siberian Snow Spiders went to Pizza Putt?

If seven Siberian Snow Spiders went to Pizza Putt, I think they would eat all the pizza. The seven spiders would trash the place. Now the seven spiders have a new home. What's your story?

Monday, October 26, 2009


Homework: Spelling and don't forget.....October's reading calendar is due Friday.

Review: Some things we learned about today......scurvy, photosynthesis, plants, food web, decomposers, math rules, Irregular plurals. Do you remember it all? ;)

Shout out to Noah for a really great Constructed Response on last week's reading center. Also to Morgan for spontaneously using manners and thanking me.

Have a great time, and do your best at the Barn Dance tonight. I wish I could be there to watch!

Classroom Economy - Thanks for all your donations!


NOW what do you know about habitats? Let us see what you learned from ELF

I know that a habitat is a place were a animal,plant or a person lives. I know that a carnivore is only a meat eater. I know that a omnivore eats meat and plants. I know that a herbivore is a plant eater only.What do you know about habitats, carnivores, omnivores and herbivores?


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hometown Heroes

Members of the Grand Isle Fire Department visited and taught us some valuable lessons.

What it a quarterback tackled a laughing skeleton?

If a laughing skeleton got tackled by a quarterback the skeleton's bones would fall part . He would be laughing so hard that he would fall over.The quarterback would be fine. The skeleton would try to take the football away from the quarterback. That is what I think would happen if a laughing skeleton got tackled by a quarterback.

Heather 10/21/09

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Homework: Spelling and reading!

Tomorrow we have the Fire Prevention Assembly and ELF.


My habitat is like a farm. I also play football in my backyard. I know that habitats are a home for people,animals and plants. I also know a habitat is a house,cave,tree,dirt and other stuff that you can live in or under. I hope that I can learn more from your stories.


Monday, October 19, 2009


Homework: Number Corner pages 18-19
Subtraction worksheet; Reading

ELF begins on Wednesday!

Halloween: The school has decided not to have a Halloween parade this year as HAlloween falls on a Saturday. I will be taking a personal day on that Friday to go to Starbase with my daughter's 5th grade class. I am thinking that maybe we can have some snacks and a video instead of a full blown party. Let me know if you have any thoughts.

THANKS! Kids brought in some items for the class store and the classroom recession is over!


This weekend I went to the Haunted Trail! it was so awesome! It was really scary.Some people when they got at the begining of the line they were so scared they went out of line when they got there.I saw Seth and Nikol when I got there. I was afraid of the chainsaw guys.when Stephanie and I got there we could hear the chainsaws and the screaming.When we got to her house her dad started the chainsaw, and we screamed and ran in the house!




Friday, October 16, 2009

Journal reading

Recess would be really great if.....

Recess would be really great if we could have anything we want.I wish we could do anything we want to do.They should let us play tackle football, and let us keep playing soccer when we get in trouble.They should let us bring our D.S. games outside to play them.Recess would be great if there were no teachers outside with us.Recess would be great if everybody except 4 grade got in trouble and they couldn't have recess again.

Seth 10/16/09

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is why I love teaching.....

Write about the picture....

I think the picture is about a lava storm. I think the water was the road. I think the man with the dog are trying to get over on the other side. I think that the road was ice before it was water. What is your story?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Homework - none tonight except reading.

2 hour delayed start for the kiddies. I will be here as usual learining about teaching writing!

Vocabulary Sentences....

Vast means very great in size.Thaw means to melt or cause to melt.Din means to make a loud noise.Chide means to yell at someone.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Homework: Only reading tonight. NECAPS were brutal today. Get lots of rest for tomorrow's session!

Describe what chapter one was like for Silent One.

The winter was hard for Silent One.All you could see was ice and snow wherever you looked.All you could hear was the wind and people crying.You could not smell anything but damp animal skin.You could not feel anything because your hands were numb.The only thing you could taste was bits of animal skin.


Monday, October 12, 2009


Homework - Spelling, reading and finish the questions on chapter one of Champlain and the Silent One. Remember your constructed response!

In other news....well, it's my own fault, but I could use a little help.

I began a program called class economy where kids can earn money for things like good behavior and excellent work. Good idea right? Well, each day at snack we have a different cashier and kids get to buy things for snack like gummies and pretzels and sometimes candy. I also have some pencils too. They have to work out what they can afford, how much to pay, and how much change they get.

Still good right? Except that it is costing me about 15 - 20 dollars a week to keep the merchandise flowing. Yikes! That could be up to 700 - 800 dollars for the school year!

So, I am hoping you can help - and believe me this is completely voluntary! If you happen to be out shopping and would be willing to contribute some snack items or pencils or little things that the kids might want to buy, I would really appreciate it. The program is working well, so far it has been motivating for them.



One time I had a dream where J.D. Drew got injured, and I had to play Rightfield. Then in the year that I played on the Redsox they won the World Series. So that year I got a World Series ring. After that I got free tickets to every game. What is your dream about?

Cole Lee Crady

Friday, October 9, 2009

Write a story that takes place 1,000 years in the future!

I think it will be very different because of te economy. I also think it will be different because they will have new buldings up. They will have different laws. They also might have different cars. What do you think will happen?


Thursday, October 8, 2009


Homework: Read and practice words for spelling test.

NECAPS continue. Tomorrow we get a break, and then start math next week.

Write a story that takes place 1,000 years ago.

1,000 years ago people travled from Africa to South America. On the way a volcano explodes. 1,000 peole were killed. It made a mini ice age. Times were hard,but they stood up to the dinosaurs. They crossed a frozen bridge to South America.The end.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Homework: Addition practice page. *****Note! Challenge is optional!! Try working on a few with family members as a fun math game.

Great work today. A shout out to Bailey for being a great leader for calendar time. Also to SC for a great journal write and Noah for cleaning his cubby. It was one scary cubby before!!

Write about your favorite sport.

My favorite sport is skating.I like it because you get to be in ice shows. Also you learn new things like I am learning the scratch spin. It is really hard because you have to cross your leg over the other leg. My program is the same as last year. I'm in basic five. That's a hard level.I've only had four lessons.What's your favorite sport?


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Homework: Just reading tonight. Kids worked hard on the NECAPS and earned a quiet evening. ;)

NECAP tests again Wednesday and Thursday. Shout out to Stephen and Gabby for showing some awesome motivation and desire to show ALL you know! Great work.

What if a babysitter charmed a toy?

If a babysitter charmed a toy the baby would start laughing uncontrolably.Then it would puke all over.Then finally the baby's parents would walk in.They would yell YOU'RE FIRED!!Then they would ask her to uncharm the toy.But she just made it worse. The parents thought that she did but they were wrong.That's what would happen if a babysitter charmed a toy.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Free Write - You Pick!

I'm writing about my weekend.This week I had a playdate with Brynn on Saturday.She says we did a whole lot of nothing during our playdate.We played trivia persuit too!We watched Suite Life on Deck Lost at Sea.Yesterday I went to the movies with Gabby.We saw Fame. It wasn't a very good movie,and the only part I liked was when they were dancing.I also went to Toys r us to pick up some stuff.And my dad went hunting a couple times this week.Thats everything I did this week.




This week we start the NECAPS. We will take three reading tests this week, and three math tests next week. Each test takes about 90 minutes. I have scheduled our tests for just after lunch until the end of the day. I am also keeping homework light this week so kids can get plenty of rest.


Tonight you just have spelling and reading.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Homework: Multiplication and division worksheet. Study for spelling test and read! New reading calendars went home today!

Math and Muffins!

This is a program that I started last year when I piloted the new Bridges math progam to help parents understand a little about how we teach math here in school. Parents and kids seem to like it - so here we are again!

In order to help you schedule, I will hold it on the first Friday of every month. Spend the first hour of the day in our classroom. We will run through a math lesson. We will start with number corner which is our daily calendar. Then we will run through a typical math lesson. Sit with your kids, grab a muffin, and let's talk math!
Bring your own coffee! ;)

What if a donkey won a pie eating contest?

He would brag about it in other peoples faces. The other animal said stop. But he would not stop but he just kept bragging.One night when donkey was asleep, all the animals came in his house and stole the trophy from him. The next day donkey woke up and said where is my trophy!!!.He was going crazy and fainted.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Homework: Noun worksheet, spelling worksheet and finish your story about your character.

We investigated a great creative writing site today. We will be using this site to inspire our imaginations! Check it out at home.

Field trip! Write about it. What did you see, do, learn?

I liked it,and it was really fun.My favorite was the Devils shop. We went to the Settlers house. I did not know that back then they had to pee in a jar and the littlest boy had to dump it out.Where did you go?


Shelburne Museum Passport to Learning!

We had a great time and learned a lot on the field trip yesterday. Thanks SO MUCH to the parents and grandparents who chaperoned and drove. With out you we couln't have gone!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What can you do today to make it a great day?

I am going to bring school behavior with me . I'm going to listen so I can learn. I'm going to stay with my chaperone .Last but not least I am going to have fun !


Monday, September 28, 2009


Homework: Spelling and math subtraction worksheet.

Field trip to Shelburne Museum - Passport to Learing tomorrow. We will leave at 8:45. Arrive at Shelburne Museum at 9:30. Meet at the cafe for lunch at 11:30 and leave the museum for school at 1:15.

Please stay with your group until I arrive back at school with my group. Kids may go to as many workshops as they can get into. Pack lunches and dress in warm layers. Have at least one rain resistant layer as rain is expected.

Thanks to all our chaperones and drivers!!!!!!

Using vocabulary words in sentences....

This morning I was full of glee. Startle means when someone scares you.Vessel is like a boat. Every morning we do the pledge.I was jittery before I took the test.


Friday, September 25, 2009

It's apple time! Write about apples!

One time I found a apple under the was white and black.So I ate it when I realized it was bird poop.I threw up, and I had super powers!I made myself fly. So I beat up the birds, and thats the end.How does your story end?


Thursday, September 24, 2009


Homework: Reading calendar and that's it! Please remember that reading calendars will be turned in on Wednesday the 30th. I will be looking for at least 400 minutes of reading in September. Tally up your time so I will know whether or not to invite you to the Perfect Reading Calenday Party!

The last Friday of the month really snuck up on me! We should probably do math and muffins next Friday, October 2nd. That way parents can make arrangements. So, no math and muffins tomorrow - we will do it on October 2nd! Thanks!

Write a story about a baby serval....

I like Moto, and he is cute .If Moto did not find Suzi he would be lost.And if he was lost something might hurt him. Then he might not be able to walk.That is my story of a serval .What is yours?


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Tonight for homework there is a vocabulary practice worksheet and a math subtraction worksheet. Practice the empty number line strategy we learned today.

We learned about the Earth's crust and tectonic plates. Some scientists think that at one time all the continents were one huge continent called Pangea!

Write about do you feel about it?

When I do math I feel excited.Before school started I stayed up all night waiting for math,but when we did math I was bored.Then when I got done the math thing. I thought it was not that hard.That is what I feel like about math.

Justin L.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Homework tonight is to do the worksheet on compound and simple sentences. We learned about them today in class. Also, please do the math worksheet.

We are learning about human migration in social studies this week. Take a look at the presentation we studied by following this link. Ask you student about what they learned about human migration in school today!

Also check out this awesome map showing the migration of humans from 150,000 years ago! It's really cool!

What continent would you like to live on? Why?

I would like to live in Australia.I like hot weather.I would like to see what it is like to live there.I live in North America right now so I am O.K. here.I would like to really live anywhere.



Sorry I forgot to put last night's homework up here. Last night we had spelling, and a few people had to work on the constructed response.

For what it's worth, we have been working on the constructed response in part to help prepare students for the NECAP tests we take in October. I am giving kids some of the past year's released tasks to help them get used to some of the types of work they will be doing on the test. The state has a bunch of tasks on their website. These tasks also give examples of student work that they have scored. Here is a link to that website. You can also practice tasks at home. It may be helpful, especially it your child tends to have test anxiety.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Moving: Have you ever moved?

Yes I have moved before.I thought it would be fun but it took forever.We had to take all of our stuff out and pack it all.I was tired we did that all day long.I could not do anything it was boring.I moved because that school was bad for me to go to!The daycare was bad to.But I had fun with it.Have you ever moved before?


Friday, September 18, 2009


Today we wrapped up our unit on space by taking some quizzes and looking at some information online. Here are some links to the websites we visited.

Next week we start learning about Human Migration. Why do humans move? How did we get here? We will learn about the continents and oceans. The following week we will take a look at Europe and learn about England, France and Spain because this is where most of our early explorers came from.

Thursday, September 17, 2009



Math worksheet. There will be a spelling test tomorrow. I did not send home an extra list, but the words came home in the spelling pages and that was passed back today in case you need the words to study.

Andromeda or Ursa Major? Which is your favorite? Why?

I like Ursa Major because she is the character.I like Ursa Major because she makes pictures In the sky.She can make cats, dogs,lions, and tigers.And she can make cool pictures, and she can do anything in the sky.I like Ursa Major because she is cool. Who do you like?


We love Followers!

We love seeing new followers and please leave comments. We would love to hear what you have to say!

4th Grade


Field Trip!

Shelburne Museum for Passport to Learning! This program has interactive, hands on workshops. Tuesday, Septemer 29th. Cost is $5.00 per person. We need drivers and chaperones! Please come if possible!

Check out the link for more info.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Math Thinking....Multiplication

Write 5 sentences, underline the subject and circle the predicate.

I will help my dad build the tree stand.The frog jumped over the moon.Read read read all classes have to do is read!When I go to monkey land I see lots of monkeys.How much does it cost to use the nearest restroom ,I must ask.



Sorry, the internet was down during my prep and I was unable to load video or post homework. I will try to get back on track today. We went over subjects and predicates in writing yesterday and learned about the constellation Ursa Major . I have a copy of the powerpoint of subjects and predicates, if anyone wants a copy to see what we did, let me know!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Create a star, imagine and write about its solar system...

If I made a star I would call it the Star of Fire, it would be all fire. One of the planets in my solar system would be called Bouncey.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Constellation: Cuteus Major


It's all about constellations this week! Check out this great website to see a map of our night sky!

Can you find Polaris? Ursa Major? What else can you find?

Homework folders are going home tonight to help kids keep track of assignments. Tonight kids will need to read for their reading calendars and work on the math assignment - Set A1 - Independent Worksheet 1.

Imagine a story about a rollerskating frog. What happens?

My frog goes on an adventure to Outer Space. But it does not know that it is in space. When he goes to Outer Space he meets an alien named Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm when the frog meets him he teaches the frog how to Rollerskate. They go Rollerskating across the alien's planet until they are tired. Then the frog goes back to his home planet to teach the frogs how to Rollerskate. What is your story?


Friday, September 11, 2009

Sharing some math thinking.....

A good joke

It's not fair when....

It's not fair when you have two sisters! My little sister is a big pain! I get blamed for everything! It's not fair that my sisters get to stay up longer! It's not fair that my little sister stays up 'till 10 o'clock! That's a big problem!


Thursday, September 10, 2009


Hello there!

Homework: Spelling story and Home Connection #3 in math. Just do the worksheet - not the activity page. A shout out to Heather who when she realized she had left her Home Connection book at school went to the math learning center website and printed out a copy! Great way to use the technology girl! Here is the link to the website again.

Math and Muffins - On the last Friday of each month I invite parents to come to school for the first hour. We will run through a math lesson together so parents can get a feel for the program. All are invited. More info to come later.

Field Trip - I am interested in bringing the kids to Shelburne Museum for an interactive learning program they are offering called Passport to Learning. We would hopefully go the last week in September.I would need parents to drive kids there and back and chaperone. The cost is 5 dollars per person and I can give more information on that if you want. Let me know if you would like to come....if you have any questions I would be happy to try and answer them...


What are some of your goals for this year?

My goal this year is to beat basic for in skating. If I beat it I will be in advanced class. I heard that it is really hard. My friend Linsey is doing it with me. In basic for we do programs, Waltz jumps, Bunny hops. It is a really fun at lessons.What are your goals?


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

great solar system website to visit!

This is the website we looked at today. Visit it on your own if you can!



Homework tonight is to work on the Home Connection #2 page in your Home Connection Math Book. You will only have homework in math when I tell you. It is not necessary to do a page each night. Don't forget to keep up with both your reading calendar and your moon calendar!

Invent a planet. What would you call it? What would it be like?

My planet is called Ice.It is very cold there.It does support life.You can only stay for a little while, because there is only a little bit of air there.It is also the farthest planet from the sun.It is very dark there.There are aliens on the planet too.I would want to go to that planet would you?


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This week we are studying the planets in our solar system. Kids will be keeping track of the facts they learn about a particular planet and then creating a poster or travel brochure to advertise their planet to others. We will be sharing the advertisements on Friday of this week. They may be asked to do some work on this at home later on this week.

In other news, kids have homework in spelling tonight. They can keep the list at home to study. Kids did great on last week's spelling test! Let's have them keep up the good work as words will begin to get harder....

What did you do last weekend?

This is what I did this weekend. I went to the fair on Friday with Gabby.

We went on a bunch of cool rides. One was scary (pharros ship). On Sunday I had a playdate with Bailey, then a sleepover with Heather. Thats everything I did this weekend.


Friday, September 4, 2009



TILT! Is the science word today. Ask your fourth grader what it's all about. It's the reason for the seasons!
Take a look at some of our wildcats reading their journal entries from today. The prompt was, if you were to go live on the moon, what are some things you would need and want?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Constructed Response: What is your favorite ice cream?

For a constructed response, people need to restate the question, give the answer with reasons and have a wrap up. Here is one example of a great constructed response!


Today we learned about the phases of the moon. For homework this month we have a calendar to show the phases of the moon. As many nights as you can, check out what the moon looks like to you and draw it on you calendar on the corresponding day.

Tonight you also have your first math homework in your home connections book. Please note that the Bridges Math program has a wonderful website with a parent support section. You can even print out home connections pages if homework gets forgotten at school! The address is
You can also get there from

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Today kids do have homework. I have sent the reading calendar home with kids today. There is still time to get in 5 days of reading this week! There is a letter explaining reading homework. Parents can monitor this as closely as you choose. You may want to assign reading every night, or let your child monitor their reading themselves. The reading calendar party at the end of the month is the reward for reading...that and reading in itself.

Also, since we are learning to write constructive responses, I am asking the children to share the technique and teach it to someone in the family. This way you will know what we are trying to accomplish in school.

Great start to the year so far!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Welcome to 4th Grade Wildcats!

Hello! Here is the first post on our class website, 4th Grade Wildcats! Bookmark our page and check it daily for student writing samples, pictures, news, video and more!

Today we learned about our school's new positive behavior philosophy...

Grand Isle School

Get respect, give respect

Interact positively

Support learning

Today we focused on thinking about giving respect and getting respect and what that looks like and sounds like. I will attach a copy of what our class thought about that.

We also are studying space for the next few weeks. Kids journaled today about what a creature from outer space might look, smell, taste, sound and feel like. There were some very imaginative creatures!

Speaking of imagination, that is our good reading strategy for this month. Good readers imagine and visualize, so we will be practicing that all month.

While there was no actual home work, I did send home a spelling list for this first week. Test on Friday!

Finally, I will be sending home a technology permission slip so I know who can publish work on our blog, and whose photos and videos we can publish as well. Let me know what you are comfortable with in your family.

Oh, and if you have any questions I can be reached by email

Looking forward to a great year!
Tracy Pearson