Thursday, November 19, 2009


Homework: Spelling and some kids may have to finish their number corner books - pages 25,26,27.

Shout out to AMY who has been coming in and working with kids on multiplication facts! 14 out of 20 kids now have their 2s and 3s down pat. I am sending home flashcard sets for the others to practice for homework. Thanks for the help!

Shout out as well to Nikol for practicing her facts on her own in order to pass her 2s! Nice work Nikol! Another shout out to Brynn, Cody, Seth, Bailey and Justin L. They were the most prepared literature circle I have had all year. Well prepared and well run. It is fun reading MOGO with you all.

For Monday, please send in a flower or a fruit that your child may investigate. We are studying life cycle of plants and it would be great to tear in to some fruits and flowers and see what we have been reading about.
Oh! And here is a link to one of the web games we played when we were learning about plants. By student request the address is:

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