Friday, December 4, 2009

Tall Tale with exaggeration and simile

There once was a baby that was born, she was a speical baby. She had a good sense of smell, hears well, and sees in black and white like a dog. when she grew up to be tall, and when I say tall I mean really tall. She can't fit through doors she allmost steps on people! At least she says sorry. When she grew up she could touch the sky because she was so tall. She is still having growsperts! She is also so smart she knows everything in the world. You wanna know how she is so tall? Well then I'll just tell you anyways. She has a neck like a giraffe So she would have a lot more bones than a normal person does. Hm...
Maybe that's why people think she's so speical even though she freaks people out when she almost steps on everybody! But they might have forgiven her, it matters how much damage she did to the person. Everyone in her neighborhood has a nickname for her it's Gigantaca.


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