Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Field Trip!

ELF Field Trip

May 25, 2010

Dear Families;

Bill and Char would like to take us on a field trip to investigate streams and ponds at Niquette Bay Park on Tuesday, June 1.

We will leave school around 10:30 and return around 1:30. We will bring picnic lunches and eat at the park. Kids should bring lunches or order a bag lunch from the Abby.

We do need a few more drivers. If you can join us and drive a few kids, we would really appreciate it. Bill, Char, and a few of their relatives/friends have agreed to transport kids and a few can ride with me, but it would be great to have more drivers/chaperones.

It should be a lot of fun. We were thinking of June 8 as a rain date, in case of poor weather. Please let me know if you can join us!


Tracy Pearson

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