Friday, May 28, 2010

This summer I hope that I make All-Stars. All-Stars is for baseball and if you are good enough then you will get to play for All-Stars. There is a 9-10 All-Stars and an 11-12 All-Stars. Last year I made All-Stars but I was only 8 so I couldn't play. I can't wait to figure out what you do in All-Stars but I know that you get to travel and play teams off island. I just hope that I don't miss any of my camps because I have already signed up for three or four. If I make All-Stars then I hope that I get to play first base a lot more. Since Auburn is on the team I usually play third base unless she is not at the game then first base is mine for the whole game. But sometimes it is the other way around and I am on first base. But once in a while I will pitch for a little bit. To make a long story short I can play anywhere.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Use the words thunderstorm, tornado and cheesecake in a story.

One day I was sitting on my porch when a thunder storm was coming to my house. Then I looked really hard and there was a tornado. I went into my house and grabbed a cheesecake. So then I ran back out on to my porch and said, "Here twinkee man." Then he didn't want it so I said, "You ripoff." Then I grabbed a whole roll of twinkees and said, "Here twinkee twinkee you want some twinkees."I threw them at the tornado's head and the storm didn't quite stop until I threw my sister In there.

the end


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Homework: Home Connection 39

Yesterday and today we learned about circuits by lighting a bulb with a battery or two. Ask your child how to make a light turn on, how to make it brighter, or how to make more than one bulb light! Very cool science!

Fun Guess the State Game

What did you learn from trying to light the bulb yesterday?

I learned that the more d-cells you have the brighter the light bulb is. You need a d-cell to power the circuit. The positive charge had to touch the metal and the negitive charge touchs the gray ball and the light bulb lights up. If the negative and positive both touch the gray ball on light bulb does not light up. There needs to be be a full circuit for it to work. You will need these things to make the bulb light up. You will need one wire, one d-cell and one light bulb. Put the wire on one side of the d-cell and wrap it around the metal on the bulb then put the gray ball on the other side of the d-cell and it lights up.


Field Trip!

ELF Field Trip

May 25, 2010

Dear Families;

Bill and Char would like to take us on a field trip to investigate streams and ponds at Niquette Bay Park on Tuesday, June 1.

We will leave school around 10:30 and return around 1:30. We will bring picnic lunches and eat at the park. Kids should bring lunches or order a bag lunch from the Abby.

We do need a few more drivers. If you can join us and drive a few kids, we would really appreciate it. Bill, Char, and a few of their relatives/friends have agreed to transport kids and a few can ride with me, but it would be great to have more drivers/chaperones.

It should be a lot of fun. We were thinking of June 8 as a rain date, in case of poor weather. Please let me know if you can join us!


Tracy Pearson

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Math Fact Games

King Arthur and the Baby Dragon

Once upon a time there was a king named King Arthur. He was the best king in the world. One day a baby dragon flew over the king's village. The baby dragon started to blow fire over the castle. Then the baby dragon went away. King Arthur told his knights to find the baby dragon,and bring it back to the castle. Two days later the knights came back with the baby dragon. King Arthur kept the dragon in the dungeon.King Arthur trained the baby dragon so he would not destroy his castle again. When the dragon was bigger the king let the dragon free.
The End!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Write about your weekend

Over the weekend I went to my cousin's house. JC came and we decided to run away from my brother and my cousin. Since my cousins have a barn it was the perfect place to hide. When they noticed we were missing they came to the barn to try to find us. We jumped over the fence and ran back to the house they still didn't know were we were until they saw us move. After they caught us we had a bon fire. We watched the bon fire for a little while and JC left. After that I watched my baby cousin my dad my brother and I left. When we got home it was 10 o'clock. I fell asleep at ten thirty and I woke up at six o'clock and went fishing. The first three fish my brother caught were all bass. After we were done fishing we went swimming for about an hour. After I went home and took a two hour nap and then I went to my grandma's house. For dinner we had pizza from A and B. When I was done I went outside to play lacrosse with my grandma's neighbor. P.S. The pizza was good!


Friday, May 21, 2010



The Green Mountain Boys are a big part of Vermont's history. They stole Fort Ticonderoga from the British. They went through a lot of trouble doing that. They met at Lake Champlain. When they got there it was easy because the British just surrendered.

Facts about Vermont
* Vermont's first name was New Connecticut

* We've had 17 Vermont state flags since 1803

* Vermont is the scend largest state in New England

* Vermont was first to let a African American have a college degree

Vermont (again)

The French and the English foght over Vermont land. The English won and that's why Vermont is our land.

Mount Mansfield is the tallest mountain in Vermont


p.s. Vermont is the best state ever!!!!!

p.p.s. You can get souvenirs at Sebs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (they sell ice cream)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Homework: Home connection #37 tree diagrams and probability.

The kids did a great job preparing, amending and voting on Bill #3. It passed committee, the House, and the senate, but then the Governor vetoed it. C'est la vie......

Tomorrow we go to Mr. Sacca's scary science lab to classify vertebrates and invertebrates! (shiver...)

Think of something you are good at. Tell someone else how to do it.

I am good at singing and how I do it is I practice some songs. Then I would just makeup some of my own songs so that I can be a good singer when I am older. But when I am sick I cannot makeup any songs. Then I asked my mom "how can I sing so good" then she said that I got it from her. I was so happy that I found out that I could sing. Sense then I have sang almost everyday. I really like to listen to crazy songs.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Homework: We studied vertebrates and invertebrates today. Complete the classification worksheet.

Secret Question: What are those stingrays below, vertebrates or invertebrates?

Gabby, You are so funny!

I thought it would be fun to go swimming, but then....

I thought that swimming in the ocean would be fun , it started out great but then I saw 1,000 sting rays. I swam back as fast as I could. After that I took a break I told my mom all about it and she thought that I was crazy. Two hours later I went back in the water with my tube. Then I went to a different place and saw nothing so I went out some more, and got in my tube and let the wave pull me in.Then all of a sudden I herd a weird noise then I looked back and there was a shark coming after me I freaked out. I was sceaming on the top of my lungs . After that I decided to never go back in the ocean again.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Homework: Work on the Vermont laws in Lawlessville.

Today we tried to get a bill passed outlawing hunting, but it was killed in committee. Kids are busy writing more bills for us to debate.

Also, Bill and Char are planning a field trip to Niquette Bay Park for ELF on June 1st. Stay tuned for more details.

One day I decided to skip school. Instead I...

We would go to the fair we would go on the bumper cars, the cups ,and the clown on the tall shoes would get tripped cause of his hat falling off and him slipping on it. I would watch the lion show the lion was about to jump through the ring of fire when I hit the protective glass and made him upset so he roared and hit the glass and the glass shattered into billions of pieces, then we were in trouble cause the lion was out and eating my popcorn, I pet him and he became my friend. I tamed him and taught him not to hurt people so he became my friend my mom said I could keep him. I kept him in a mini house that my dad and I built. We gave him a steak every night, and for breakfast he got bacon since he liked bacon so much I named him Jim Baconbits. The end.


King Arthur Webquest

Friday, May 14, 2010

What if a smart kid suspected that their teacher was really a dolphin in disguise?

One day at the carnival my teacher was disgiused as a dolphin. It was a talent show. She sang, Gray squirrel. It goes like this "Gray squirrel gray squirrel shake your bushey tail catch a nut between your toe's."Cole said "What is a dolphin singing a squirrel song." Cole said, "I'm going to the bottom of this."Cole went back stage and tripped the dolphin. He took the head of the dolphin and he said "Mrs.Pearson!Why were you singing a squirrel song?

Vermont Research

If you could go to any concert, what would you see and why?

If I had a choice to go to a concert I would not go because I do not like to sing. I will never do a concert again because I do not like the songs. If I had to go I would just mimmic the words, and I stopped doing concerts when I was in 3rd grade.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Snack Zumba! Fuego!

Write a story, true or made up.

Last night we were hunting for the wolf but we did not have any luck. But Dillon,Courtney ,Tyler and I heard a racoon.Then we walked in the woods and we also saw a rabbit it was cool. After that I went home and we ate super and then I went to Leandra's house and played bocce ball then we went to the barnnn. then I went back home and went to sleep.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Homework: Tonight for homework, please think about a law you might like to see passed by the Vermont Legislators. Read and complete page 18 in your Bill Becomes a Law packet.

What if you found Bilbo's ring and you could become invisible whenever you wanted to?

If I had Bilbo's ring I would show it to Mrs. Pearson. I said, "This is your wedding ring for you and Dave Grohl". Mrs. Pearson said back to me
"So Dave Grohl and I are getting married, Oh my God!" she fainted on her couch and I left the ring right beside her. The next day at school she was walking around invisible. "Every body asked 'where's Mrs. pearson". I said to them, "She is wearing Bilbo's ring."

"Oh", the whole class said when Mrs. Pearson walked through the door invisible. When the wedding started it happened all over again.

The end

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Homework: NONE!!

Tis the testing season as the year winds down, and today kids took both a computation test in math and the Science NECAPS.

The Science NECAPS are given in 4th and 8th grade. They are hard! Take a look at these released test items from other years.

Your kids may be feeling fairly fried today - so there is no homework tonight. Get a good night's rest!

Kidtown! What laws would you like to see passed if kids ruled the world?

Kids Town!

I would want a law to be passed that you could be able to chew gum in school. I also would want a law to be passed that they would put in a pool at school.

The law I want the most is to be able to get out of school whenever you want. I would want a law to pass saying that every kid who is good at math does not have to go to school. Then that means I would not have to go to school.
Then even if you weren't good at math you would only have to go to school for an hour.


Monday, May 10, 2010


Homework: Home Connections # 36. Some kids need to finish The Hobbit Questions. Finally, kids need to also complete the Vermont Government questions.

Yes, the answers were on the page. I will be more careful next time!! ;)

Secret Code: Jim Douglas is in the executive branch of Vermont's government.

Write your favorite memory about one of the retiring teachers....

Im going to write about Mrs. Tiplady because she taught me how to weave. She also taught me how to be a better artist. She is special because she can mail stuff to the Bhuton people. She helped me whenever I messed up on a subject like weaving. That is all I wrote about Mrs. Tiplady.

JL 5/10/10 :]

Friday, May 7, 2010

Vermont: Where have you been in Vermont? Why is it a good state?

I have been to my grandma's house and that is in Winooski. Every time a plane goes by it is really loud. I have been to the mall. I don't know where that is. Sometimes I go to Apple Bees. We also go to walmart.We where going to get our iPods when my mom herd the little doors where they kept the iPods open. Somebody had picked the lock on the doors. So my mom told the person at the counter if he could stop guy. So the person at the counter went over to him and said "sir do you need help with something?" and then the guy took all the iPod touchs he could get in his backpack and ran off. My mom and I where realloy scared and the cops said they got the guy but nut the iPods. So me and my mom went home.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Homework: Switch Hitter News for Kids article and questions.

We are beginning a unit on our lovely home state, Vermont. Here is a website we will be using.

and another

P.S. Brynn, can you email your book project again if you still have it? Thanks!

Secret Code: Ben Franklin Rocks!

Free Choice

Once upon a time I was directing a play in New York City, in front of the whole city. The play was Avtar, we practiced it for two months. And before the play everyone was scared and excited. It was finally time for the play, the play was an two hours & fifty minutes. An hour into the play it was going good. Two hours into the play I had to go out there and fix something, we did intermission. Then we all took a brake and then started it up agen.Then I stayed on stage and then I got off the stage. The play was over, we all got out of our costume. We all went home. The next day peolpe said good job, nice work.

The End

P.S. I was lieing there was nothing to fix I just wanted to get ready to go on stage.

Seth 5/6/10

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Suddenly, I wasn't watching the play. I was in the play!

Suddenly, I wasn't watching the play I was in the play,this is what I would do. I would get excited.This is why I would get excited, because since I have done the Charlie and The Chocolate Factory play I was not even scared. I would be even happier if there was a Charlie and The Chocolate Factory number two, because it would be even more fun. Morgan

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Homework: Worksheet on how toasters work. Read the paragraphs and answer the questions. Also, please finish the chapter two Hobbit questions if you have not already.

Field trip to the Flynn tomorrow. I still need permission slips from JW and DS.

Persuade Bilbo to go on the adventure, or stay home. What do you think he should do?

If I was Bilbo then I would go because if he didn't go then there would be no point of the "Lord of the Rings". In the "Lord of the Rings" Frodo, Bilbo's nephew, is trying to break the ring that Bilbo gave to him. Gandalf will try to take the ring from Bilbo but he will fail. I bet that Bilbo will find the ring and then he will realize that he doesn't want the ring. The ring can make you turn invisible and all that cool stuff. If I could do anything to that book I would make it that Bilbo would just make up his mind and go. Smaug is probably sleeping on the ring and Bilbo will find the ring. He won't think anything of it and put it on, and he will take it off as soon as he put it on. That is up to you to figure out why he took it off.


Monday, May 3, 2010


Homework: Finish the home electricity diagram sheet. Also, please finish the last April problem solver in Number Corner.

There will not be anymore "math and muffins" this year, but you are always welcome to pop in and hang out for classtime!

We have a field trip to the Flynn on Wednesday morning. We will be seeing a production of "The Hobbit" which we are reading in class.

Secret Code: Electricity is the flow of electrons.


Over vacation I went over to Riley's house. When I went over we went to the drive in but it was raining. So we went to a movie storeand got Grand Thef Auto Vice City. Then we went home and I got cheets off the internet and we got a tank . It was hard puting cheets in because they are confusing. We stopped and went out side and we went night croller hunting. It is really fun. If you shing your light on them they go under ground and if you pull them to fast when they are going under ground they will brake. I bet we cought over 200 worms. the next day we went fishing we cought no fish so we went home. Then we went to the four wheeling place in Milton. When we got out Riley tried to put his four wheeler on the trailer and the things fell on the ground and he got hurt. There where these people there and when he fell they laughed then we went home to his house and I went home.On the way home I saw Nikol.
