Friday, January 29, 2010

What if you could walk on walls and ceilings?

If I could walk on walls it would be awesome beacause then you would be able to go anywhere you wanted to.To walk on ceilings would be cool too.Then I would never have to touch the floor again.Then you would run away from dogs if they're about to bite you!!! If I went skating on the ceiling it would be fun because then it would probably feel like you're a bat ice skating.You might fall down on the ice skates.I also would go to the mall. Then I could eat chocolate pie in the food court.I think walking on the walls and on the cellings would give me a head ache.


Thursday, January 28, 2010


Homework: Read George Washington's biography and answer the questions. Please also keep reading about your person that you are studying. You really need to know a lot about the person to do the interviews tomorrow.

Words Come Alive was a lot of fun today and we all learned a lot about the people we are reading about. The class has chosen many interesting biographies and we are learning quite a lot about our people.

What if animals could talk? What would you ask them?

If animals could talk...I would say "Monkey! Get me a latte!"
Then the monkey would say "Whatever my lady."
I would have a panda as a pet and whenever I would change she would say "You look beautiful my lady."

That's what would happen if animals could talk.

Miss B-day girl,

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Homework: Home Connections #21, page 67-68.

We had ELF today. Bill and Char taught us about Winter Animal Adaptations. We learned about migration, hibernation, yards, and the three "F"s....fur, feathers and fat! They keep animal warm in winter.


Explain fractions to a Kindergartener

If I had to explain fractions? Well hear I go okay so 1/2 + 1/2 = one whole. Or 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = one whole or 3/3. Hopefully you got enough information about fractions. You didn't well then. I will tell you about numerator and denominator. The numerator is the number on top and it tells you how many sections are filled in. A denominator is the number on bottom and means how many equal sections that are in the fraction. That is what I know about fractions and what I would teach you. What do you know about fractions?

J.L. 1/27/10

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Homework: Winter reading comprehension and questions. A few of you need to finish number corner from today as well.

Have a nice evening!

What if your were the teacher and everyone forgot their homework?

If I was the teacher and everyone forgot there homework this is what I would do. One upon a time there was this mean teacher name Mr.seth if you did anything wrong he would send you to Bob the builder to work with him. Now imagine what he would do if you forgot your homework , it would be a disaster. Well one night all the kids in the class went to Noah's house to work to gether to all get an A++++++++, but that did not happen. the kids finsh their homework but forgot all their papers to their homework and they had 52 pages to their homework. Mr. Seth asked "wheres your homework? "he yelled. The kid Cody said very quiet , "We forgot it."
"You forgot your homework!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Not just him all of us forgot our homework." Mr. Seth made everyone work with Bob the builder for two months. Mr. Seth live happily ever after.


P.s. Turns out Mr. Seth made them work with Bob the builder for a year.


Monday, January 25, 2010


Homework: Finish your volcano packet- days 4 and 5 from last week. Spelling worksheets as well.

Erosion, Glacier, Volcano, Weathering....

I think that erosion is rock carried away and the moving of rock and soil by water, wind, ice or gravity.Weathering is the breaking down or wearing away of rocks by water or wind.A glacier is a large, slow moving mass of ice.Volcanos form when hot liquid rock rises from the mantle through cracks in Earth's crust.What do you think about erosion, glacier, volcano, and weathering?


Friday, January 22, 2010

What would happen if youcould fly wherever you wanted? When would you use this ability?

If I could use a power when ever I wanted to, I would use it to fly in Earth's crust, then Earth's mantle, then Earth's outer core, then Earth's core, and then out. After I got out I would fly over a volcano.After I flew over a volcano I would go see a glacier.
Then I would go home.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

If you could only take 3 people on a trip around the world with you, who would you take and why?

If I could take anyone on a trip around the world it would be my mom, my dad, and my brother Joshua. We would go to Florida because my brother always wants to go there.I would take my parents for supervision.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Homework: MAth homework and verbs homework.

Check out this link! It is to a verb powerpoint we went through in school. Use it as a review at home, of try the verb games at the end!


What if you had to battle meerkats with a candy cane?

If I had to battle meerkats with a candy cane it would be awesome. I would see the meerkats on a rock and I would sneak up to them. Then I would grab two candy canes out of my back pocket. Then I would look up and they were gone. I dropped my candy canes and they broke. So I reached in my back pocket and I grabbed something and they weren't candy canes. So I pulled out what ever was in my hand and they were two meerkats.So I freaked out and I choked them to death. Finally, I won!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Homework: Spelling

We have Words Come Alive this week!

Thank You!

Thank someone for whom you are grateful.

I am going to thank my mom for bringing me to Washington .D.C. I thank my mom for letting me take 100 pictures on her new phone. I saw the Washington monument. The White House was to far from us to get a picture. A famous person was at the Smithsonian but we could not get a picture of him. On the way back I was sick. I thank my mom so much! My mom bought me a Fiber optics ball.


Friday, January 15, 2010


Thanks to all the families who donated baked goods. Thanks also to all the children who brought in money and purchased the items! We had a wonderful bake sale and made $139.34 for the playground! I am so proud of the kids. This was their idea and they kept after me until we followed through!


Free Choice: Please try some dialogue.

Once upon a time there was a baseball player who was right out of High School. He was a 1st Baseman, and he was going to get drafted into the MLB. He once said ''I don't care where I go as long as I go somewhere''. Well he did go somewhere but not exactly what team he wanted to go to. He went to the worst team in the MLB, the Nationals. But luckily he got traded to the Red Sox. He said '' Now I hope that I get some playing time''. Well playing time he did get. He was the starting 1st Baseman for the team. He played for the team for ten years, who is this this person? That is what I wrote about, what did you write about?

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Last night's homework , well, let's just blame it on the printer. I only gave the kids half of the biography, so it may have been a little difficult to finish. As a penance, I am not giving them any homework tonight.

We are talking about the 13 original colonies. We also are learning how to punctuate dialog.

Have a great, homework free night, and don't forget the bakesale tomorrow!

What are some reasons you might decide to move away to another country?

I might decide to move away because my uncle lives in New Hamshire. We wanted to live closer to him, so we wouldn't have to travel a long time in November up to his house. We might also move because my dad got a new job. I might decide to move because I want to live in Maine so we don't have to travel six hours to Maine every year. I would like to also live in Maine so I can live closer to my friend Kristen. I like to drive up to the fort in Maine. Why would you move?


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Homework: Pocahontas biography and questions. Keep reading your biographies!

We are studying the colonies. Today we made colonial timelines. We are also still studying glacier movement and erosion.

What if there was a hamster war?

If there was a hamster war it would be at a store. There would be a lot of fur, and it would be flying in peoples faces. It would be on a planet called Backwardopea. Everything is backwards there, one of those things are walking on ceilings. The hamster war continued for about three days until someone was brave enough to stop it. When he stepped in the middle of the war he got shot by a hamster pellot, and he almost fell down. Then everyone started to laugh including the hamsters. Then they stopped forever.

Ryley Barrows

P.S. The war began over a small bowl of food.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Homework: Math practice with multiplying by 10
Some children also have spelling stories
Finally, keep reading your biography to get ready for your report.

Today in guidance we learned about cyber bullying. Please contact Mrs. Mayer if you have any questions concerning cyber bullying.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Homework: Spelling, and a few still have to finish their "blue book" stories. Keep reading those biographies!

We are studying glaciers this week. We are also studying the early colonies...
Bake Sale Friday


This weekend I heard a sad story. There were six people on three snowmobiles. They where on the ice on Lake Dunmore. The ice was too thin, and they went through the ice. Three people died, a father, his daughter and his grandson. I hope that everyone is very careful when they go out on the ice around here. Please make sure you don't go out alone. Also, make sure you check with your family before you head out onto the ice.

Mrs. Pearson

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bake Sale!

The kids would like to hold a bake sale to raise money for the new playground equipment. If you are able, please send in a baked good to sell on Friday January 15th. We will sell bake sale items during both lunches. If you are able to volunteer to help the kids sell during that time, please let me know.


If I chose the Greatest Person of 2009, it would be the Foo Fighters because Mrs.Pearson loves, and I mean loves, the Foo Fighters. They would sing all their songs. Mrs.Pearson would jump up and kiss them all ten times each. But Mrs.Pearson was dreaming, so she never saw the Foo Fighters in real life.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Homework: Home connections page 47,48 and 49. Read the directions carefully.

Watch our math game called more or less!

If you could, what are some things you would like to invent?

Some of the things that I would invent would be a flying car, and it could go as fast as 200 mph. Another thing that I would invent is a robot that could clean my room and do anything I couldn't do or didnt want to . It would be a machine that could get me to every Pittsburgh Penguins game . The last thing I would make is a money tree. It would grow one million dollars a day .That is what I would invent . What are some of the things you would invent?


Tuesday, January 5, 2010



Multiplication - solve two ways....and we DID learn the algorithm so kids may use that if they understand it. Solve it another way to check your answer.

January Book Reading Project - See details below!

Math and Muffins - Friday 7:45-8:45

Learning about erosion, weathering, how the Grand Canyon was formed and how the pilgrims built a village.

Some websites:

Shout out to Cole, Noah and Stephen E. for begging for information to solve a harder problem! Great motivation guys! Also to all the kids who shared solutions today. Jon! You made my head explode! In a good way!!!!

Also ---Bailey!!!!! Feel better SOON! We miss you!


January Reading Project

Your projects last month were wonderful to see, and I can tell many of you read some great books! This month we will be doing something slightly different. This month we will be reading…….. BIOGRAPHIES!

This afternoon we will head to the library where you will have a chance to choose a biography of someone famous. You will read this book each night at home for reading homework.

As you read, take notes about what makes this person so interesting, or successful. On Monday, January 25th, bring in your notes as we will be heading to the computer lab in order to write a report about your person.

We will be collecting all of our reports into a class anthology.

A volcano erupts while you are on vacation...

On vacation I saw a guy and he wanted to jump into the volcano. It was the lead singer of the Foo Fighters .I told him not to jump because my teacher would cry . So he didn't jump. I came back to school, and I told Mrs. Pearson. She was so happy he didn't jump. I also told her that the Foo Fighters were coming. What did you write about a volcano?


Monday, January 4, 2010


Homework: Spelling packet. There is a list to be kept at home as well. January reading homework is a book project that has not yet been announced, but......if you really want to know, we will be reading biographies. I will be taking kids to the library tomorrow to pick up a biography or two to read throughout the month of January. Then, kids will write reports on the subject of the biographies. Stay tuned for more details!

Math and Muffins will be held on Friday this week. We have a great month of calendar work ahead of us talking about time, elapsed time, and using probability to solve a mystery!



Over vacation I went sledding and snowboarding. For Christmas I got an iHome, a sled and a bunch of Wii games. I think New Super Mario bros is better for the Wii than the DS. I also saw the new movie of Alvin and the Chipmunks. It was cool. Some of the games I got were Spore Hero and Call of Duty Modern Warfare. What did you get for Christmas?
