Monday, November 30, 2009


Homework: Start December book project.

Math and Muffins again this Friday! 7:45-8:45. Hope to see some parents ready to learn some math!

Thanksgiving vacation.....

On Wednesday I went to my mom's daycare. Then on Thanksgiving me my mom and dad went to see the movie The Blind Side . During the movie I lost my tooth . It was a good movie . I went to my grandma's house and saw my cousin . On Saturday I had a hockey game against St.Albans they beat us 6-3 . Sunday I had a hockey game in Chazy they beat us 4-1. On Sunday I went to Heather's house . We did alot of scrapbooking. What did you do on Thanksgiving vacation?


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Six word stories....

Six word stories...

Six word stories....

Splash. Where did my friend go?
Party in my house! Crack... run!
Summer day ice cream melt , ''yuk!''
Today we have school, run! Hide!


Monday, November 23, 2009


Homework: Home connections #12 worksheet only. You do not have to do the activity page, just the worksheet. If you need a centimeter ruler, there is one on the previous page to cut out and use.

Powers of 10!

Today the kids did some AMAZING work learning about the powers of 10. We built the numbers 1, 10,100, 1000, and 10, 000 and saw how the dimensions increased each time. Ask about it tonight at home. They are little geniuses!

What is your favorite movie or TV show and why?

My favorite movie is either the Super Hero movie or the Simpsons movie. I like the Super Hero movie because it is funny. I like the Simpsons movie because it is my favorite show. My favorite horror movie is The Gate because it's not scary it's funny. What is your favorite show in the world?


Friday, November 20, 2009

What are you grateful for?

I am thankful for my parents.I am thankful for clothes .I am really thankful for food and water because with out food or water we could not survive.I am thankful for my pet Gus.I am thankful for teachers to help us learn.That is what I am thankful for. What are you thankful for?


Thursday, November 19, 2009


Homework: Spelling and some kids may have to finish their number corner books - pages 25,26,27.

Shout out to AMY who has been coming in and working with kids on multiplication facts! 14 out of 20 kids now have their 2s and 3s down pat. I am sending home flashcard sets for the others to practice for homework. Thanks for the help!

Shout out as well to Nikol for practicing her facts on her own in order to pass her 2s! Nice work Nikol! Another shout out to Brynn, Cody, Seth, Bailey and Justin L. They were the most prepared literature circle I have had all year. Well prepared and well run. It is fun reading MOGO with you all.

For Monday, please send in a flower or a fruit that your child may investigate. We are studying life cycle of plants and it would be great to tear in to some fruits and flowers and see what we have been reading about.
Oh! And here is a link to one of the web games we played when we were learning about plants. By student request the address is:

Math games!

What if a ______________ came to school for Thanksgiving dinner?

If a snake came to a Thanksgiving dinner the snake would eat all his dinner. Then he would go outside to smoke a cigarette so, he could rebuild his energy. Then he ate one person after another,there was now blood everywhere. After he ate everyone the snake smeared all the blood on him. He laughed an evil laugh Bwahahahahah!What did you write about something that went to Thanksgiving dinner?

Justin L. 11/19/09

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ELF with Bill and Char

Learning about characteristics and classification with Bill and Char in ELF today. Forest Habitats!




Homework: Math multiplication practice and grammar worksheet.

Shout out to Justin who used the blog to help him with his homework. Great use of technology.

We have ELF today. Thanks to Bill and Char for teaching us about forest habitats!

Free Choice!

Today after school I have dance class. I was suppose to go to Stephanie’s but she is sick. Nikol’s grandma has to bring me to school. Nikol’s grandma {Linda} is my neighbor. Today when I go home my grandma has to bring me home. My dad thinks my grandma just comes to make us dinner although we have enough. I can’t wait to get home and hold my baby brother. I have to wear a mask around my baby brother. My baby brother kept me up all night last night. But I still slept for a little bit. I think my baby brother is really cute. I like having a new baby brother in the house. My sister wanted a baby sister but she got a baby brother.

Gabby 11/18/09

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Problem Solving Pictures

Stephanie solved this TWO ways, once using a table and once using a diagram. Well done! Notice her connections and documentation.


Homework: Problem Solving "Another Farmer's Field!" Some of you may need to finish plant reproduction as well.

Sorry about missing posting yesterday. I am placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of the internet connection we have. (Bad, bad, bad)

Shout out to Stephanie who shared some absolutely gorgeous problem solving with the class today. I will try to post a picture of it here in case any parents want to see just what it is we crazy teachers are looking for!

And.....just so you know, your kids are working with numbers in base 4. Pretty impressive, huh? We are also learning about Life Cycles. Pretty good brains here!

Life Cycles!

What I know about life cycles. I know that R-selected is when animals lay a lot of eggs then hope that some live. I also know that K-selected is when animals lay one egg and protect it. Life cycles goes like this, Born,Growth,Reproduce,the next one for the parents is...DEATH! Then it keeps starting over again. Then the parent who had the kids then the kids will have kids then they die,then those kids will have kids then die. Thats the way life cycles work. What did you write about?

Seth 11/17/09

Number Corner Fact Practice!



Monday, November 16, 2009


What have you learned lately?

What I learned last week was the Black Eyed Peas are the best band and the Foo Fighters stink. I learned about area and perimeter. I learned chairs, tables, six sence and problem solving.I learned skip counting and how to blog on the computer and how to do multiply by double double double.And I learned about space. What did you learn last week?

Words Come Alive!

Friday, November 13, 2009

What music do you like and why?

My favorite music is Black Eyed Peas Boom Boom Pow. The only reason I like Black Eyed Peas is because he has a lot of good music. I like the songs by Kid Rock. What are some of your favorite songs and why?


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Write a story set in an ocean habitat.

Once there was a ''fish''.He was very fast and lived deep in the ocean.He had no friends to play with.He was all alone down in the deep depths of the ocean.His mom and dad abandoned him when he was little.One day his parents came to visit him.They yelled out,''Hunny,hunny it's us your parents,come out.''He came out,''He's a Great White Shark'' .yelled his fish father.''Lets go!''
. ''NO!''
''Well I am''.He left. The Mom and shark lived happily ever after.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009



Homework: Home Connection #10. Area and Perimeter.

Today we continued to learn about area and perimeter. We also went to the computer lab to work on writing a painted essay on Horton Hears a Who. Ask your student what a painted essay is and see if they have been paying attention! :)

Shout out to Nathan today. I saw him being a good friend. Also shout out to Gabby who was able to finish her painted essay in two sessions! Grrrreat Work Kids!

What do you like to do, or wish you could do after school?

After school I would like to get a Major League contract for the Boston Red Sox. But that is probably not going to happen. So after school I probably will be playing MLB 2009 Road to the Show. I will probably be playing on a AA or AAA team. I will probably be playing as a 3rd baseman , shortstop , 2nd baseman , or an outfielder. That is what I will probably be doing after school. What will you be doing after school?

Cole Lee Crady

Monday, November 9, 2009

Math Justification




Homework: Spelling and reading.

Shout out to Stephen for REALLY working on editing his journal today. Excellent effort! Also to Gabby and Heather for some insightful work in girl's group.

We are watching excerpts from the Planet Earth series of DVDs on habitats. Last week we watched Forests and today we watched a little of Ocean. Some cool creatures live in the oceans!

Forest Habitat

I know that a Snake lives in a forest. They survive by tracking down prey. I also know that a deer lives in a forest, and they survive by eating grass,apples and water. Thats what I know about forest habitat. What do you know about it?


Friday, November 6, 2009


Thanks for showing up at math and muffins. The kids AND the grownups did some great thinking!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Turkey Trot

If you are in town on Thanksgiving day, you could join me in running the Turkey Trot. It is a great way to burn off some calories before the big dinner. Just no making fun of me as you whiz on by!!!

11 am Thanksgiving day--rain, snow, or the field house on the UVM campus off Spear St. 10$ per family--the whole family--not just the kids...$5 for one person. Also, for the little tykes, there is a 1/4 mile run right before the 5k. Oh yeah--the run is a 5k (3.2 mile) jaunt...


Homework: Spelling and reading calendar

Dance! The 4th graders would like you to know they are invited to the dance at the school on Tuesday night. (Wednesday is inservice...)

Math and Muffins - tomorrow!

Also a shout out to your kids! They did so awesome work on problem soling techniques today - probably the best class work I have ever seen! Awesome job.

Today we talked about birds and beaks and adaptations. We also talked a little about genetics. Really interesting class discussion and they were very engaged in the topic.

Problem Solving!



What if a teacher tried to escape a creature from Mars?

If my teacher tried to escape from a creature from Mars I would scream. ''Yankees aliens are attacking Mrs.Pearson!'' Stephen and S.C. collided. Stephen faints and falls on Gabby. I smack the Yankee and it is slime! I fall,the end.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009




Homework: Show a family member our problem solving piece and explain what we did together today. Can you tell them what a tree diagram is? Do you understand how we solved it the second way?

Shout out to Coleman, Noah, Nate and Stephen for thinking about how we could solve a harder problem! Great thinking gentlemen!

Math and Muffins - Friday

What is your favorite sport or team and why?

I like a lot of sports and a lot of teams.But my favorite sport is baseball,and my favorite team is the Redsox. I like baseball because my favorite team plays baseball. I like the Redsox because they have good players. What is your favorite sport or team?





Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Homework: Home connection number 9 pages 21 and 22.

Shout out to Bailey for connecting our lesson in math on tables and chairs back to area and perimeter!

Today we learned about tables and chairs as models for area and perimeter, and we are reading a Cambodian folktale about the sale of a donkey! We are learning how to write a response to litereature....

What are your favorite books and why?

These are some of my favorite books. I like the Twilight Series one,two,and three because she gives a lot of detail. The words aren't to hard for me. I also like Artemis Fowl book one. I like it because it's funny and the idea of a kid who is supersmart is very creative. I think that the Harry Potter book one is good and I like the detail in this book.I also like Diary of a Wimpy Kid because it's really funny.What kind of books do you like and why?


Monday, November 2, 2009


Bird Beak adaptations!


Homework: Spelling and Home Connections #8

Don't forget~ Math and Muffins is on for this Friday morning at 7:45. Join us for a math class and some delicious muffins.